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Happy World Down Syndrome Day

I used to be an extremely selfish person. Relatable? The first step in owning who you are, is understanding who you are. I know, *mind-blowing* stuff. But on some real shit, I'd love to pretend I'm as ~flawless~ as Beyonce. Who wouldn't? At some point though, I was served some sincere honesty, learning that I could care more for others. WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY SELFIES AREN'T SAVING THE WORLD?!

The Aidikoff sisters entered my life post-college and we've become fast friends, more like family really. Kerri and her older sister Jenna lead a Non-Profit Organization, called LiveUp Programs, providing away weekends for adults with Down Syndrome. Their sister, Lauren, continuously inspires them and the organization. I've had the amazing opportunity to become involved with LiveUp Programs. 

Kerri wrote an article on Medium that perfectly describes why everyone should Volunteer While They're Young. I am sharing it here because I feel so strongly that volunteering has significantly made me such a better person. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to reach out about getting involved. I would love to include you in future volunteer opportunities!

To all my homies with an extra chromie: Thank you. You have changed my life in a way I did not know was possible. You are some of my favorite people, with whom I've shared some of my most treasured memories. Thank you for welcoming me into the Down Syndrome Community. Thank you for reminding me to count my blessings. Thank you for teaching me how to be a more selfless person. Thank you for putting meaning behind the expression "patience is a virtue." Growing up, this echoed in our house more times than I can recall. It's funny that it is only as an adult, living on my own, that I finally understand it's true meaning. Today we celebrate those who come into the world with a little something extra. Stop Counting. Chromosomes are like calories, the number does not define who you are. You are loved and appreciated. I mean, I know I love you. 

Thank you, LiveUp Programs.

Click Here to Read Kerri's Article: Volunteer While You're Young

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